Two years ago Thomas and me were top roping this route under the Physics’ wall (Yerevan Physics Institute) and decided to call it Sev (Black) because of the black part under a small cornice. 

 The ''Spitak'' rescue brigade had been frequent trainings on these rocks on early yearsIn January I set up three bolts on the last 10m section of the route to make it safe for trainings (the two of them are 6mm long and 6mm in diameter). But unfortunately on that day the snow above melt and wet the whole route. Consequently we made up our minds to carry it out later.

On a sunny April Sunday Anahit, Miqo, Yulia, Vardan and me gathered to lead climb the route.

It’s 20m high easy route 5b/5.8. But it has small ledges under its small cornice, so at the point of whipper the climber can hit them, that’s why I set up the bolts to make it safer.  I made also an anchor on the steep slope from two bolts below the rote to the right, for safe belaying.

The climber should also have some middle and small size protection gear for the first part of the route.  

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Rock and Ice climbing

  • Club Alpin Français youth in Armenia

      Club Alpin Français du pays de Gex youth team was hosted by the Armenian Alpine Club at the end of August for a rock climbing program in Noravank canyon and climbing the mount Aragats.

  • US climbing trip 3, 2018

    Third year in a row traveling to American West from the other side of the world for rock climbing, could you really wish anything better from this life?

  • 11 new sport climbs in Hrazdan gorge, Yerevan

    Recently we gut supported by 100 bolts and hangers by Russian Mountaineering Federation via our friend Armen Ter-Minasyan. 

  • Chichkhan WI3

    During the warm winter in Armenia, the only colds for ice climbing we found on early Feb on the north of Armenia, famous waterfall “Trchkan” to which no ice pick has touched before.


Mountaineering and Backcountry skiing

  • "Game Ridge" backcountry first descent, solo

        I finally skied one of my projects in Fox Mountains, solo. My skiing buddies were busy to support me on this backcountry trip, and the weather is warming drastically in the valley now, so it had to be done now or postponed to next year which I didn't like for some reasons. 


  • Ski Season 2023

       Like in the Alps and Caucasus, the snow conditions were poor in Armenia as well during past winter months. In Aspen though, where I spent skiing and teaching for the ski school there, it was a decent early season and very good snow throughout the seasonThen came the long awaited March to guide for ski touring in Armenia.

  • French Ski-tour in Armenia

    From Feb 25 to March 5, a French group was hosted by Up The Rocks for ski-touring program in Armenia.

  • Ski Touring in Georgia 2015!

    The initiator of this ski touring program Andre Souvignet, and Up the Rocks was hosting Andre’s team with a pleasure in Georgia.

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