Rock and Ice climbing

  • Chichkhan WI3

    During the warm winter in Armenia, the only colds for ice climbing we found on early Feb on the north of Armenia, famous waterfall “Trchkan” to which no ice pick has touched before.

  • First Noravanq climbing this season

    On Sunday afternoon Vahe, Alla, Marina and me decided to go to Noravank for climbing. Soon we met our friends there and joined to a picnic. 

  • Solo climbing the "Doudouk" 5.10d

    Well, all the guys who I have sent a message via facebook, to go for climbing on Sunday, where not in the planned venue. 

  • “Macedonskiy” 6b, 40m FA trad

    The basalt crag above village Bjni, where during early eighties they organized Soviet Union rock climbing championships, is still desired trad climbing cliff just 32km from Yerevan.


Mountaineering and Backcountry skiing

  • Ski-touring review 2016/17

     Winter 2016/17 was a season for joy and exploration of new ski touring areas and tracks in Armenia and Georgia. 

  • Study of deadly avalanche in Armenia: VIDEO

       On Feb 22, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia reported an avalanche accident in Kotayk Province on the slopes of Mt. Teghenis 2851m.

  • Ski Touring in Georgia 2015!

    The initiator of this ski touring program Andre Souvignet, and Up the Rocks was hosting Andre’s team with a pleasure in Georgia.

  • "Game Ridge" backcountry first descent, solo

        I finally skied one of my projects in Fox Mountains, solo. My skiing buddies were busy to support me on this backcountry trip, and the weather is warming drastically in the valley now, so it had to be done now or postponed to next year which I didn't like for some reasons. 


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